Get your health to the next level. Designed to help kickstart your metabolism and feel more energized, this infusion helps regulates blood sugar, burn fat, keep skin and blood cells healthy and support your general health.

Featured Ingredients: Vitamin C, Magnesium, Pyridoxine, B Complex, Biotin, Zinc, Dexpanthenol, Amino Acids, Calcium Chloride

45 Minutes

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MVP – $210

This drip can reset and optimize your best performance. Rich on antioxidant, minerals and essentials vitamins, will provide all the benefits before your race.

Featured Ingredients: Vitamin C, Magnesium, Arginine, B12, B-Complex, Glutathione, Taurine

45 Minutes

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Replenish with full energy and optimize your health with the power of Radical Power blend. This blend will neutralize free-radicals to kickstart your journey.

Featured Ingredients: Vitamin C, Triamino, Biotin, Dexpanthenol, B12, B-Complex

45 Minutes

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Improve your athletic ability performance, burn fat more quickly and increase metabolism speed to stay at your top performance.

Featured Ingredients: Ascorbic Acid, B1, B3, B2, B5, B6, Glutamine, Arginine, Ornithine, Lysine, Citrulline, MagnesiumCL, Zinc, Manganese, Copper

45 Minutes

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Mega Energy + Weight Loss + Brain Reboot.

Ingredients: Biotin, Dexpanthenol, B complex

15 minutes

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IM POWERFUL Shot –  $40

Athletic Support + Weightlifting + Endurance.

Ingredients: Taurine, B12, Arginine

15 minutes

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